Movies Filmed in Highlands Katahdin Region, Maine
Bangor ME On the Silver Screen
Visit Bangor area Maine film locations. Seeing a place where a movie was filmed can make a trip an even more memorable one. Being able to walk the streets where the story took place and be where the actions happened can be enjoyable for all. Ask us about Katahdin Maine movie scenes or share comments. To feature your Maine business, contact us.
Highlands Katahdin Maine in the Movies
Vacationland (2006)
This coming-out drama was filmed in filmmaker Todd Verow’s hometown of Bangor.
Empire Falls (HBO movie) (2005)
The story is set in a Maine mill town and was filmed in and around Waterville, where Richard Russo lived when he taught at Colby College. Other Maine towns will also be the setting for scenes from the movie, including Kennebunkport. This was also filmed in Isleboro and Lincolnville.
The Mushing Mill (2004)
Filmed in Bangor in Greenville, near Moosehead Lake, The Mushing Mill is the compelling story of kids down the street who tackle what it is to stand up for what you believe in.
Jumanji (1995)
Jumanji was filmed in part in North Berwick and Kennebunk, south of Portland, Maine, near the New Hampshire border. The North Berwick Woollen Mill on the bank of the Great Works River, an historic landmark in North Berwick, became the Parrish Shoe Factory. Also filmed in part in Keene and Swanzey, NH.
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Maine Film Scene Locations by Region

Discover Maine Film Locations by region. Aroostook, Downeast, Katahdin, Kennebec, Lakes, Mid-Coast, Portland and South-Coast.
Aroostook ME Film Locations
Fort Kent, Houlton, Presque Isle
Downeast & Acadia ME Film Locations
Bar Harbor, Blue Hill, Deer Isle, Eastport, Lubec, Cherryfield, Machias
Katahdin & Moosehead ME Film Locations
Bangor, Brewer, Greenville, Lincoln, Millinocket, Orono
Kennebec & Moose River ME Film Locations
Augusta, Skowhegan, Waterville, The Forks
Lakes & Mountains ME Film Locations
Auburn, Lewiston, Norway, Bethel, Farmington, Naples
Midcoast ME Film Locations
Bath, Boothbay Harbor, Camden, Rockland, Brunswick, Belfast, Searsport
Greater Portland ME Film Locations
Portland, Freeport, Yarmouth, Westbrook, Cape Elizabeth
South Coastal Maine Film Locations
Biddeford, Kennebunk, Kittery, Ogunquit, Old Orchard Beach, Saco, Wells, York
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