Blackbeard’s USA
339 Odlin Road, Bangor, ME • Ph: 207-945-0233
Blackbeard’s USA is a Maine Amusement Park – a place for family fun. A 36-hole miniautre golf course with fountains, misty caves, waterfalls and an alligator-infested swamp. Indy-style Go Karts race around a quarter mile track with three major "S" turns. Two-seat go karts are available for the kids to ride with mom and dad. A 10-cage batting cage facility offers both fast-pitch and slow-pitch softball, and baseball speed pitching of 20-90 miles per hour. The gaming arcade is always a popular stopping point, and the snack bar is a great place to grab a burger or ice cream.
Category: Amusement Park, Mini Golf, Golfing
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