Midcoast Maine Historic Societies
Mid Coastal ME Historic Societies & Museums
Midcoast Maine has a rich history and a unique geography due to it’s extensive coastline. It is the job of the historical societies to preserve Maine’s history for future generations. Many town historical societies have museums in which to display the artifacts from their town’s history. Ask us about visiting Maine or share comments. To feature your Maine business, contact us.
Midcoast Maine Historic Societies
Camden-Rockport Historical Society Conway Homestead
US Rt. 1
Rockport, ME 04856
Ph: 207-236-2257
Bath Historical Society
33 Summer Street
Bath, ME 04530
Belfast Historical Society
10 Market Street
Belfast, ME 04915
Boothbay Region Historical Society
72 Oak St
Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538-1814
Camden Historical Society
80 Mechanic Street
Camden, ME 04843
Harpswell Historical Society
Rt. 1
South Harpswell, ME 04079
Knox Memorial Association
33 Knox Street
Thomaston, ME 04861
Lincolnville Historical Society
Lincolnville Center, ME 04850
Ph: 207-789-5445
Pejepscot Historical Society
159 Park Row
Brunswick, ME 04011
Ph: 207-729-6606
Pemaquid Historical Association
Rt. 2,Box 4000-314
Damariscottta, ME 04543-9766
South Bristol Historical Society
2124 State Rte. 129
South Bristol, ME 04568
Ph: 207-644-1234
Union Historical Society
Union, ME 04862
Ph: 207-785-5444
Whitefield Historical Society
Whitefield, ME 04353
Winterport Historical Association
Winterport, ME 04496
Woolwich Historical Society
Nequasset Rd
Woolwich, ME 04579
Ph: 207-443-4833
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Discover Maine Historical Societies by region. Aroostook, Downeast, Katahdin, Kennebec, Lakes, Mid-Coast, Portland and South-Coast.
Aroostook ME Historical Societies
Fort Kent, Houlton, Presque Isle
Downeast & Acadia ME Historical Societies
Bar Harbor, Blue Hill, Deer Isle, Eastport, Lubec, Cherryfield, Machias
Katahdin & Moosehead ME Historical Societies
Bangor, Brewer, Greenville, Lincoln, Millinocket, Orono
Kennebec & Moose River ME Historical Societies
Augusta, Skowhegan, Waterville, The Forks
Lakes & Mountains ME Historical Societies
Auburn, Lewiston, Norway, Bethel, Farmington, Naples
Midcoast ME Historical Societies
Bath, Boothbay Harbor, Camden, Rockland, Brunswick, Belfast, Searsport
Greater Portland ME Historic Sites
Portland, Freeport, Yarmouth, Westbrook, Cape Elizabeth
South Coastal Maine Historical Societies
Biddeford, Kennebunk, Kittery, Ogunquit, Old Orchard Beach, Saco, Wells, York
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