Golfing – Midcoast

Midcoast Maine Golfing

Maine Golf CoursesYou’ll find Midcoast golf courses with sweeping mountain vistas, spectacular ocean views and peaceful lakeside scenery. This northern New England state has some fantastic country clubs throughout the state. Maine is an ideal golf vacation destination. In autumn, the lush green trees that line the summer fairways turn bright yellow, red and orange.You may find that you’ll spend as much time taking in the scenic vistas as you do concentrating on your golf game. Please share your Maine golfing comments. To feature your business, contact us.

Mid Coast Maine Golf Courses & Country Clubs

Midcoast Maine Golf Courses
Golf Course Telephone Holes Yards Type Par
Bath Country Club

Whiskeag Road

Bath, ME 04530

207-442-8411 18 6216 70
Boothbay Country Club

Country Club Road

Boothbay, ME 04537

207-633-6085 18 6306 71
Country View Golf Club

178 Moosehead Trail, Rt. 7

Brooks, ME 04921

207-722-3161 9 2856 36
Brunswick Golf Club

River Rd.

Brunswick, ME 04011

207-725-8224 18 6600 72
Lakeview Golf Club

Prairie Rd.

Burnham, ME 04922

207-948-5414 9 3072 36
Northport Golf Club

581 Bluff Rd.

Northport, ME 04849

207-338-2270 9 3400 36
Rockland Golf Club

606 Old County Rd.

Rockland, ME 04841

207-594-9322 18 6300 70
Goose River Golf Club

Simonton Rd.

Rockport, ME 04843

207-236-8488 9 2910 36
Samoset Resort

220 Warrenton St.

Rockport, ME 04856

207-594-2511 18 6352 70
Sebasco Harbor Resort Golf Club

Rt. 217

Phippsburg, ME 04565

207-389-9060 9 3158 36
Wawenock Country Club

Sargeant Drive

Northeast Harbor, ME 04662

207-276-5335 9 3056 35
Northeast Harbor Golf Cub

316 Pinewoods Rd.

Lewiston, ME 04240

Brunswick Naval Air Station Golf Club

Old Bath Rd.

Brunswick, ME 04011

207-921-2155 9 3158 36
Tarratine Golf Club

Golf Club Rd.

Islesboro, ME 04848

207-734-2248 9 3085 37
Searsport Pines Golf Course

240 Mt. Ephraim Rd

Searsport, ME 04974

207-548-2280 9 2965 36

midcoast Maine
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Maine Golf Courses


Discover Maine Golfing by region. Aroostook, Downeast, Katahdin, Kennebec, Lakes, Mid-Coast, Portland and South-Coast.

Aroostook ME Golfing
Fort Kent, Houlton, Presque Isle
Downeast & Acadia ME Golfing
Bar Harbor, Blue Hill, Deer Isle, Eastport, Lubec, Cherryfield, Machias
Katahdin & Moosehead ME Golfing
Bangor, Brewer, Greenville, Lincoln, Millinocket, Orono
Kennebec & Moose River ME Golfing
Augusta, Skowhegan, Waterville, The Forks
Lakes & Mountains ME Golfing
Auburn, Lewiston, Norway, Bethel, Farmington, Naples
Midcoast ME Restaurant Golfing
Bath, Boothbay Harbor, Camden, Rockland, Brunswick, Belfast, Searsport
Greater Portland ME Golfing
Portland, Freeport, Yarmouth, Westbrook, Cape Elizabeth
South Coastal Maine Golfing
Biddeford, Kennebunk, Kittery, Ogunquit, Old Orchard Beach, Saco, Wells, York

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