Covered Bridges

Maine Covered Bridges

Guide to Finding Maine’s Covered Bridges

For a glimpse of living history, visit a Maine Covered Bridge. Maine Covered BridgesThe first Maine bridge ever built is considered to be an open structure that crossed the Kennebec River in Augusta. The bridge was constructed in the mid-1700s. The covered bridge which replaced this bridge was built in 1819 and is recognized by many as Maine’s first covered bridge. The last covered bridge built in Maine still survives in the Watson Settlement Bridge built in Littleton, Maine in 1911. We hope you enjoy visiting Maine’s remaining covered bridges.
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Maine Covered Bridges

At one time there were 120 covered bridges in the state of Maine. Today, there are less than 10 of these magnificent and picturesque structures remaining – the fewest of any northern New England state. Maine’s harsh weather, fire, floods, vandalism, and ice have brought the demise of most of the Covered Bridges of Maine. If you’re planning to visit Maine Covered Bridges be advised that most of the remaining Covered Bridges in Maine are in the northern part of the state. The only Maine Covered Bridge in the coastal region is the Shell Museum Bridge in Boothbay, ME – which was built in 1993.

Covered Bridges are scattered throughout New England – the bridges were built with a cover to protect the timbers from rain and snow.
In 1959 the Maine legislature enacted a law to preserve Maine’s remaining wooden covered bridges. That law provided state funding to save and renovate Maine Covered Bridges and ten of Maine’s remaining covered bridges were renovated and repaired. There are no remaining records of the men who built Maine’s Covered Bridges – many were put together by local builders, loggers, and farmers. Today, Maine’s Covered Bridges serve as functional reminders of the state’s past and are a popular subject of Maine photographs and paintings.

Shell Museum Covered Bridge – Boothbay, ME

This truss-type bridge was built in 1993. Find its location at Dolphin Mini Golf, Boothbay, ME
Lat. / Long.: N 43.907135 W 69.6162521.

Babbs Bridge – Windham, ME

Babbs Bridge was built in 1864. The original bridge was burned by vandals in 1973. An exact replica was constructed and opened to traffic in 1976. It is located two and a half miles north of South Windham, then one-half mile west, over the Presumpscot River between the towns of Gorham and Windham.

Artist’s Covered Bridge – Newry, ME

This bridge, built in 1872, is named the Artist’s Bridge because of its reputation as being the most photographed and painted of the venerable covered bridges in Maine. The bridge, an 87-foot Paddleford truss, was closed to traffic in 1958 when a new bridge was built downstream. It is located about four miles northwest of North Bethel.

Watson Settlement Bridge – Littleton, ME

This bridge, built in 1911, is the farthest north and the youngest of Maine’s original covered bridges. It has timber trusses of the Howe design and has two spans with a total length of 170 feet. In 1984 the bridge was closed to traffic when a new bridge was built. The bridge is located on the road to Woodstock from Littleton over Meduxnekeag Stream in the town of Littleton.

Lowes Bridge – Guilford – Sangerville, Maine

This bridge, built in 1857, was washed away by the flood of April 1, 1987. A modern covered bridge, patterned after the original, was built on the original abutments in 1990. The bridge has a clear span of 120 feet over the Piscataquis River. It is located just off State Route 15 south of Guilford Village.

Robyville Bridge – Corinth, ME

This bridge, the only completely shingled covered bridge in the State, was built in 1876. The supporting members are the Long truss design and span 73 feet between the stone abutments. The bridge crosses Kenduskeag Stream in Robyville Village in the town of Corinth about three miles northwest of Kenduskeag Village. The bridge was reinforced in 1984 to carry local traffic.

Bennett Bridge – Lincoln Plantation, ME

This bridge, built in 1901, has trusses of the Paddleford type with a total length of 93 feet. It spans the Magalloway River. The bridge was closed to traffic in 1985. The bridge is located one and a half miles south of Wilson Mills.

Lovejoy Bridge – Andover, ME

This bridge, built in 1868, is 70 feet long and spans the Ellis River. It has Paddleford trusses and is Maine’s shortest covered bridge. The bridge was reinforced in 1984 to carry local traffic. It is located at South Andover.

Parsonsfield-Porter Bridge – Porter, ME

The Parsonsfield-Porter Bridge was built by the towns of Porter and Parsonsfield as a joint project over the Ossipee River in 1859. The bridge is a 152-foot structure of Paddleford construction strengthened with laminated wooded arches. The bridge, located one-half mile south of Porter, was closed to traffic in 1960 when a new bridge was built upstream.

Hemlock Bridge – Fryeburg, ME

Hemlock Bridge, built in 1857, is a 109 foot Paddleford truss strengthened with laminated wooden arches. The bridge was reinforced to carry local traffic in 1988. It is located three miles northwest of East Fryeburg over an old channel of the Saco River.
Maine Covered Bridges

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