Kennebec and Moose River Valley Region Maine Buses
Bus Services Throughout Maine
Discover the Kennebec Moose River Valley region Maine by Bus! … Maine bus services are conveniently located throughout the State of Maine, making your business or leisure travel it’s easy to travel in Maine. Ask us about Maine Vacations or share comments. To feature your Maine business, contact us.
Kennebec Moose River ME Bus Service
Kennebec Valley Transit
Phone: 207-947-0536
Skowhegan: 207-474-8487 / 800-542-8227
Waterville: 207-877-5677
Serving Augusta, Hallowell, Farmingdale, Gardiner, Waterville and Fairfield. Provides bus service in Kennebec and Somerset Counties. KVCAP operates public fixed-route bus service, KV Transit Service, in the greater Waterville and Augusta areas.
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Discover Maine Bus Transportatioin by region. Aroostook, Downeast, Katahdin, Kennebec, Lakes, Mid-Coast, Portland and South-Coast.
Aroostook ME Bus Trans.
Fort Kent, Houlton, Presque Isle
Downeast & Acadia ME Bus Trans.
Bar Harbor, Blue Hill, Deer Isle, Eastport, Lubec, Cherryfield, Machias
Katahdin & Moosehead ME Bus
Bangor, Brewer, Greenville, Lincoln, Millinocket, Orono
Kennebec & Moose River ME Bus
Augusta, Skowhegan, Waterville, The Forks
Lakes & Mountains ME Bus Transportation
Auburn, Lewiston, Norway, Bethel, Farmington, Naples
Midcoast ME Bus Transportation
Bath, Boothbay Harbor, Camden, Rockland, Brunswick, Belfast, Searsport
Greater Portland ME Bus
Portland, Freeport, Yarmouth, Westbrook, Cape Elizabeth
South Coastal Maine Bus Transportation
Biddeford, Kennebunk, Kittery, Ogunquit, Old Orchard Beach, Saco, Wells, York
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